No Bellalago Townhomes

Join us to stop the construction of townhomes 
and destruction of hundreds of trees 
which are home to eagles and other wildlife.

people laughing and talking outside during daytime

Unwelcome Changes 

We are glad you are in the beautiful Bellalago and Isles of Bellalago Community with us. We hope to keep it as it is now. However the developer, Taylor Morrison, is attempting to put more than 104 townhomes near our amenity center.

In doing so, they will destroy more than 100 live oak trees. We are doing everything within our power to stop this action!

These townhomes will require two additional roads connecting to the road going to the amenity center. They will also have 8 homes with driveways connecting to the amenity center road.

We must stop them.

What is Happening to Stop this Action?


Multiple protests are held to raise public awareness. It is an easy way for all to get involved and to get the information to all residents in Bellalago and Isles of Bellalago.

More Info


There will be a public hearing before the Osceola County Commissioners. Sign the petition to let them know we do not want townhomes in Bellalago!

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